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Stara Fay Mitchell

Cacao Ceremony Facilitator + Sound & Energy Healer + Women's Circles

07948 241 933

Stara Fay Mitchell

Hello, I’m Stara-Fay, mother of 2 and a very sensitive nature. I love travelling, swimming in the ocean and rivers, making fires, singing, gazing at the stars and walking barefoot.

Ritual and Ceremony has been in my life for a long time. Growing up in difficult circumstances and going through a lot as a child I always sought something to fill the void of unconditional love, connection and belonging. This made me set off on my spiritual journey early when I was 17 years old, having a teacher and guide who taught me about meditation, the chakra system, ritual, sitting in circle, fasting and more. Ritual and spirituality has helped me finding myself again after going through dark times. It helped to unravel the layers,work through trauma and find the love I was always seeking within myself. It helped me to trust in my inner voice and intuition,foster resilience and showing up for myself. Since some years now Ritual and ceremonial cacao are part of my daily practice: They ground and centre me, make time for stillness and self reflection , connect me with my higher self, I set intentions and they start my day from a place of love and connectedness.

I love holding space for you in ceremonies so you too can feel a sense of belonging and deep love in a circle of likeminded people, forge a deeper connection with your higher self, explore your inner world, unravel layers and raise your vibration with the help of cacao and sound healing.


In my Cacao Ceremonies I create a sacred, safe space where everybody is welcome and can be exactly how they are. We foster deep listening and compassion without judgement when we sit and share in circle. Every Ceremony is different as we are working alongside  the cycles of Mother Earth and the Moon and integrate different rituals, themes, intentions and release work. A sound bath and channeled voice activation will deepen your connection with your higher self and will bring insights, healing, deep relaxation and further enhance your experience. These gatherings are the portal to deep connection, and heart centred living. They inspire you to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, step into your power and shine your light.

I’m looking forward to sit in  Ceremony with you soon,with love and light

Ceremonial grade Cacao is:

- A sacred plant spirit aka Mama Cacao

- A plant medicine

- A mood enhancer

- A heart opener

- A warm hug

- A superfood

- Chocolate in it’s rawest form

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